Thursday, October 1, 2009

Impluse 2

Menu: What did you say your name was?
Non M: I didn’t. Don’t worry about it just keep reading the menu.
Menu: I don’t want to be apart of this.
Non M: you already are.
Menu: No, no im not. Who is keeping me from just getting up and walking out?
Non M: see that man in the trench coat, not yet sitting at a table.?
Menu: yes
Non M: He is. Stand up and see if im bluffing.
Menu: okay fine what do you want from me?
Non M: I want you to decide if you want an omelet or toast and then wave down the waitress.
Menu: (Signaling the waitress) I’ll have an egg white vegetarian omelet and he’ll have…..
Non M: black coffee, nothing more thank you.
Menu: Now explain, I refuse to go along with this, I will not be manipulated.
Non M: then walk, walk now to the door and see who stops you, but I will warn you, if you do you will not make it past the threshold of the door and all these innocent people will die.
Non M : will you be manipulated now?
Menu: tell me what to do.
Non M: On my cue you will excuse yourself to the bathroom, upon getting there climb out the window and there will be a black Cadillac just around the corner. Get in.
Menu: How can I trust you?
Non M: You can’t but you don’t have an option.
Non M: GO! Now!


  1. IN-FREAKING-TENSE!!!!!! great job! you put tons of risk in there with a lot of intese emotions! i really liked it, and wanted to keep reading!

  2. Great job creating one character who doesn't want to go through with something and another character who wants the first character to do that very thing. That's all good drama is. I don't want to, but he's making me do it. Good job.
